count_chars文字列で使用されている文字に関する情報を返す 説明
arraystring count_chars(string
$string , int $mode = 0)
例1 count_chars の例
上の例の出力は以下となります。 There were 4 instance(s) of " " in the string. There were 1 instance(s) of "." in the string. There were 1 instance(s) of "F" in the string. There were 2 instance(s) of "T" in the string. There were 1 instance(s) of "a" in the string. There were 1 instance(s) of "d" in the string. There were 1 instance(s) of "e" in the string. There were 2 instance(s) of "n" in the string. There were 2 instance(s) of "o" in the string. There were 1 instance(s) of "s" in the string. There were 1 instance(s) of "w" in the string. 参考