class MyCalendar {
public $free = array();
public $booked = array();
public function __construct($week = 'now') {
$start = new DateTime($week);
$start->modify('Monday this week midnight');
$end = clone $start;
$end->modify('Friday this week midnight');
$interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
foreach (new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end) as $freeTime) {
$this->free[] = $freeTime;
public function bookAppointment(DateTime $date, $note) {
$this->booked[] = array('date' => $date->modify('midnight'), 'note' => $note);
public function checkAvailability() {
return array_udiff($this->free, $this->booked, array($this, 'customCompare'));
public function customCompare($free, $booked) {
if (is_array($free)) $a = $free['date'];
else $a = $free;
if (is_array($booked)) $b = $booked['date'];
else $b = $booked;
if ($a == $b) {
return 0;
} elseif ($a > $b) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
// 毎週の予約用のカレンダーを作ります
$myCalendar = new MyCalendar;
// 今週の予約を入れます
$myCalendar->bookAppointment(new DateTime('Monday this week'), "Cleaning GoogleGuy's apartment.");
$myCalendar->bookAppointment(new DateTime('Wednesday this week'), "Going on a snowboarding trip.");
$myCalendar->bookAppointment(new DateTime('Friday this week'), "Fixing buggy code.");
// 空きが何日あるかを調べるため、$booked の日数と $free の日数を比べます
echo "I'm available on the following days this week...\n\n";
foreach ($myCalendar->checkAvailability() as $free) {
echo $free->format('l'), "\n";
echo "\n\n";
echo "I'm busy on the following days this week...\n\n";
foreach ($myCalendar->booked as $booked) {
echo $booked['date']->format('l'), ": ", $booked['note'], "\n";
I'm available on the following days this week...
I'm busy on the following days this week...
Monday: Cleaning GoogleGuy's apartment.
Wednesday: Going on a snowboarding trip.
Friday: Fixing buggy code.