The MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime classはじめにRepresents a » BSON date. The value is a 64-bit integer that represents the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970). Negative values represent dates before 1970. クラス概要MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime
class MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime
MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTimeInterface, MongoDB\BSON\Type, Serializable, JsonSerializable, Stringable {
/* メソッド */
final public __construct(intfloatstringMongoDB\BSON\Int64DateTimeInterfacenull
$milliseconds = null )final public mixed jsonSerialize()
final public string serialize()
final public DateTime toDateTime()
final public DateTimeImmutable toDateTimeImmutable()
final public string __toString()
final public void unserialize(string
}$data )変更履歴