The MongoDB\BSON\Persistable interface


Classes may implement this interface to take advantage of automatic ODM (object document mapping) behavior in the extension. During serialization, the extension will inject a __pclass property containing the PHP class name into the data returned by MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize. During unserialization, the same __pclass property will then be used to infer the PHP class (independent of any type map configuration) to be constructed before MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable::bsonUnserialize is invoked. See Persisting Data for additional information.

注意: Even if MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize would return a sequential array, injection of the __pclass property will cause the object to be serialized as a BSON document.


class MongoDB\BSON\Persistable implements MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable, MongoDB\BSON\Serializable {
/* メソッド */
abstract public arraystdClassMongoDB\BSON\Document bsonSerialize()
/* 継承したメソッド */
abstract public arraystdClassMongoDB\BSON\DocumentMongoDB\BSON\PackedArray MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize()
abstract public void MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable::bsonUnserialize(array $data)