The MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp class


Represents a » BSON timestamp, The value consists of a 4-byte timestamp (i.e. seconds since the epoch) and a 4-byte increment.

注意: This is an internal MongoDB type used for replication and sharding. It is not intended for general date storage (MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime should be used instead).


final class MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp implements MongoDB\BSON\TimestampInterface, MongoDB\BSON\Type, Serializable, JsonSerializable, Stringable {
/* メソッド */
final public __construct(int $increment, int $timestamp)
final public int getIncrement()
final public int getTimestamp()
final public mixed jsonSerialize()
final public string serialize()
final public string __toString()
final public void unserialize(string $data)


バージョン 説明
PECL mongodb 1.12.0 Implements Stringable for PHP 8.0+.
PECL mongodb 1.3.0 Implements MongoDB\BSON\TimestampInterface.
PECL mongodb 1.2.0 Implements Serializable and JsonSerializable.
