
Returns the last row's OID


stringintfalse pg_last_oid(PgSql\Result $result)

pg_last_oid is used to retrieve the OID assigned to an inserted row.

OID field became an optional field from PostgreSQL 7.2 and will not be present by default in PostgreSQL 8.1. When the OID field is not present in a table, the programmer must use pg_result_status to check for successful insertion.

To get the value of a SERIAL field in an inserted row, it is necessary to use the PostgreSQL CURRVAL function, naming the sequence whose last value is required. If the name of the sequence is unknown, the pg_get_serial_sequence PostgreSQL 8.0 function is necessary.

PostgreSQL 8.1 has a function LASTVAL that returns the value of the most recently used sequence in the session. This avoids the need for naming the sequence, table or column altogether.


This function used to be called pg_getlastoid.



An PgSql\Result instance, returned by pg_query, pg_query_params or pg_execute(among others).

Return Values

An int or string containing the OID assigned to the most recently inserted row in the specified connection, or false on error or no available OID.


Version Description
8.1.0 The result parameter expects an PgSql\Result instance now; previously, a resource was expected.


Example #1 pg_last_oid example

  // Connect to the database
  pg_connect("dbname=mark host=localhost");

  // Create a sample table
  pg_query("CREATE TABLE test (a INTEGER) WITH OIDS");

  // Insert some data into it
  $res = pg_query("INSERT INTO test VALUES (1)");

  $oid = pg_last_oid($res);

See Also

  • pg_query
  • pg_result_status