SeasLog::getRequestIDGet SeasLog request_id differentiated requests 説明
public static string SeasLog::getRequestID()
To distinguish a single request, such as not invoking the SeasLog::setRequestId function, the unique value generated by the built-in `static char *get_uniqid ()` function is used when the request is initialized. パラメータこの関数にはパラメータはありません。 戻り値Return string generated by the built-in `static char *get_uniqid ()` function, or setted by SeasLog::setRequestId function. 例例1 SeasLog::getRequestID example
上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下のようになります。 string(13) "5b3f21a209519" bool(true) string(26) "reqeust_id_test_1530864034" 参考