QuickHashStringIntHash::setThis method updates an entry in the hash with a new value, or adds a new one if the entry doesn't exist 説明
public int QuickHashStringIntHash::set(string
$key , int $value )This method tries to update an entry with a new value. In case the entry did not yet exist, it will instead add a new entry. It returns whether the entry was added or update. If there are duplicate keys, only the first found element will get an updated value. Use QuickHashStringIntHash::CHECK_FOR_DUPES during hash creation to prevent duplicate keys from being part of the hash. パラメータ
戻り値2 if the entry was found and updated, 1 if the entry was newly added or 0 if there was an error. 例
例1 QuickHashStringIntHash::set example
上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下のようになります。 Set->Add bool(false) int(2) int(16091) Set->Update int(1) int(29906) |