
Provides an array or document to serialize as BSON


abstract public arraystdClassMongoDB\BSON\DocumentMongoDB\BSON\PackedArray MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize()

Called during serialization of the object to BSON. The method must return an array, stdClass, MongoDB\BSON\Document, or MongoDB\BSON\PackedArray.

Root documents (e.g. a MongoDB\BSON\Serializable passed to MongoDB\BSON\Document::fromPHP) will always be serialized as a BSON document. For field values, associative arrays and stdClass instances will be serialized as a BSON document and sequential arrays (i.e. sequential, numeric indexes starting at 0) will be serialized as a BSON array.

Users are encouraged to include an _id property (e.g. a MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId initialized in the constructor) when returning data for a BSON root document. In the absence of an _id property, the extension or server will generate a MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId for insert or upsert operations, respectively.




An array, stdClass, MongoDB\BSON\Document, or MongoDB\BSON\PackedArray to be serialized as a BSON array or document.


バージョン 説明
PECL mongodb 1.17.0

The return type was changed from arrayobject. Instead of object, the return type now specifies stdClass. Classes that implement this interface must be changed to no longer declare an object return type. As the return type is tentative, a deprecation warning is emitted on PHP 8.1 and newer.

In addition to the changes above, the extension now also supports returning instances of MongoDB\BSON\Document and MongoDB\BSON\PackedArray. Please note that any MongoDB\BSON\PackedArray instances returned are silently converted to objects when stored as root documents. They are stored as arrays when used as an embedded field value.

例1 MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize returning an associative array for root document


class MyDocument implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable
    private $id;

    function __construct()
        $this->id = new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId;

    function bsonSerialize(): array
        return ['_id' => $this->id, 'foo' => 'bar'];

echo MongoDB\BSON\Document::fromPHP(new MyDocument)->toRelaxedExtendedJSON(), "\n";


上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下のようになります。

{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "56cccdcada14d8755a58c591" }, "foo" : "bar" }

例2 MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize returning a sequential array for root document


class MyArray implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable
    function bsonSerialize(): array
        return [1, 2, 3];

echo MongoDB\BSON\Document::fromPHP(new MyArray)->toRelaxedExtendedJSON(), "\n";



{ "0" : 1, "1" : 2, "2" : 3 }

例3 MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize returning an associative array for document field


class MyDocument implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable
    function bsonSerialize(): array
        return ['foo' => 'bar'];

$value = ['document' => new MyDocument];

echo MongoDB\BSON\Document::fromPHP($value)->toRelaxedExtendedJSON(), "\n";



{ "document" : { "foo" : "bar" } }

例4 MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize returning a sequential array for document field


class MyArray implements MongoDB\BSON\Serializable
    function bsonSerialize(): array
        return [1, 2, 3];

$value = ['array' => new MyArray];

echo MongoDB\BSON\Document::fromPHP($value)->toRelaxedExtendedJSON(), "\n";



{ "array" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] }


  • MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable::bsonUnserialize
  • MongoDB\BSON\Persistable
  • Persisting Data