Generate cryptographically secure randomness
public string Random\Engine\Secure::generate()
The sources of randomness in the order of priority are as follows:
Linux: » getrandom(), /dev/urandom
FreeBSD >= 12 (PHP >= 7.3): » getrandom(), /dev/urandom
Windows (PHP >= 7.2): » CNG-API
Windows: » CryptGenRandom
macOS (PHP >= 8.2; >= 8.1.9; >= 8.0.22 if CCRandomGenerateBytes is available at compile time): CCRandomGenerateBytes()
macOS (PHP >= 8.1; >= 8.0.2): arc4random_buf(), /dev/urandom
NetBSD >= 7 (PHP >= 7.1; >= 7.0.1): arc4random_buf(), /dev/urandom
OpenBSD >= 5.5 (PHP >= 7.1; >= 7.0.1): arc4random_buf(), /dev/urandom
DragonflyBSD (PHP >= 8.1): » getrandom(), /dev/urandom
Solaris (PHP >= 8.1): » getrandom(), /dev/urandom
Any combination of operating system and PHP version not previously mentioned: /dev/urandom
If none of the sources are available or they all fail to generate
randomness, then a Random\RandomException
will be thrown.
This function has no parameters.
Return Values
A string containing PHP_INT_SIZE
cryptographically secure random bytes.
If an appropriate source of randomness cannot be found,
a Random\RandomException will be thrown.