Choosing a library
The mysqli and PDO_MySQL PHP extensions are lightweight wrappers on
top of a C client library. The extensions can either use the
mysqlnd library or the The mysqlnd library is part of the PHP distribution. It offers features like lazy connections and query caching, features that are not available with libmysqlclient, so using the built-in mysqlnd library is highly recommended. See the mysqlnd documentation for additional details, and a listing of features and functionality that it offers.
Example #1 Configure commands for using mysqlnd or libmysqlclient // Recommended, compiles with mysqlnd $ ./configure --with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd // Alternatively recommended, compiles with mysqlnd $ ./configure --with-mysqli --with-pdo-mysql // Not recommended, compiles with libmysqlclient $ ./configure --with-mysqli=/path/to/mysql_config --with-pdo-mysql=/path/to/mysql_config Library feature comparison It is recommended to use the mysqlnd library instead of the MySQL Client Server library (libmysqlclient). Both libraries are supported and constantly being improved.