1 |
Requests acknowledgement that the write operation has propagated to
the standalone mongod or the primary in a replica
set. This is the default write concern for MongoDB.
0 |
Requests no acknowledgment of the write operation. However, this may
return information about socket exceptions and networking errors to
the application.
<integer greater than 1> |
Numbers greater than 1 are valid only for replica sets to request
acknowledgement from specified number of members, including the
MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY |
Requests acknowledgment that write operations have propagated to the
majority of voting nodes, including the primary, and have been
written to the on-disk journal for these nodes.
Prior to MongoDB 3.0, this refers to the majority of replica set
members (not just voting nodes).
string |
A string value is interpereted as a tag set. Requests acknowledgement
that the write operations have propagated to a replica set member
with the specified tag.