odbc_procedurecolumnsRetrieve information about parameters to procedures Description
Odbc\Resultfalse odbc_procedurecolumns(
Odbc\Connection $odbc ,stringnull $catalog = null ,stringnull $schema = null ,stringnull $procedure = null ,stringnull $column = null ) Retrieve information about parameters to procedures. Parameters
Return Values
Returns the list of input and output parameters, as well as the
columns that make up the result set for the specified procedures.
Returns an ODBC result object or The result set has the following columns:
The result set is ordered by Changelog
ExamplesExample #1 List Columns of a stored Procedure
The above example will output something similar to: Array ( [PROCEDURE_CAT] => TutorialDB [PROCEDURE_SCHEM] => dbo [PROCEDURE_NAME] => GetEmployeeSalesYTD;1 [COLUMN_NAME] => @SalesPerson [COLUMN_TYPE] => 1 [DATA_TYPE] => -9 [TYPE_NAME] => nvarchar [COLUMN_SIZE] => 50 [BUFFER_LENGTH] => 100 [DECIMAL_DIGITS] => [NUM_PREC_RADIX] => [NULLABLE] => 1 [REMARKS] => [COLUMN_DEF] => [SQL_DATA_TYPE] => -9 [SQL_DATETIME_SUB] => [CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH] => 100 [ORDINAL_POSITION] => 1 [IS_NULLABLE] => YES ) See Also