
Flush system output buffer


void flush()

Flushes the system write buffers of PHP and the backend used by PHP (e.g.: CGI, a web server). In a command line environment flush will attempt to flush the contents of the buffers only whereas in a web context headers and the contents of the buffers are flushed.

Note: flush may not be able to override the buffering scheme of the web server and it has no effect on any client-side buffering in the browser.

Note: This function does not have any effect on user level output handlers such as those started by ob_start or output_add_rewrite_var.


flush can interfere with output handlers that set and send headers in a web context (e.g. ob_gzhandler) by sending headers before these handlers can do so.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

No value is returned.


Version Description
8.4.0 Flushing headers without a body will now succeed in FastCGI.

See Also

  • ob_flush
  • ob_clean
  • ob_end_flush
  • ob_end_clean