
Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number


string bcsqrt(string $num, intnull $scale = null)

Return the square root of num.



The operand, as a well-formed BCMath numeric string.

This parameter is used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result. If null, it will default to the default scale set with bcscale, or fallback to the value of the bcmath.scale INI directive.

Return Values

Returns the square root as a well-formed BCMath numeric string.


This function throws a ValueError in the following cases:

  • num is not a well-formed BCMath numeric string
  • num is less than 0
  • scale is outside the valid range


Version Description
8.0.0 If num is not a well-formed BCMath numeric string, or less than 0, a ValueError is thrown. Previously, E_WARNING was raised instead.
8.0.0 scale now needs to be between 0 and 2147483647; previously, negative scales have been silently treated as 0.
8.0.0 scale is now nullable.


Example #1 bcsqrt example


echo bcsqrt('2', 3); // 1.414


See Also

  • bcpow
  • BcMath\Number::sqrt