The RoundingMode Enum


The RoundingMode enum is used to specify how rounding should be performed for round, bcround, and BCMath::round.

Enum synopsis

RoundingMode HalfAwayFromZero Round to the nearest integer. If the decimal part is 5, round to the integer with the larger absolute value. HalfTowardsZero Round to the nearest integer. If the decimal part is 5, round to the integer with the smaller absolute value. HalfEven Round to the nearest integer. If the decimal part is 5, round to the even integer. HalfOdd Round to the nearest integer. If the decimal part is 5, round to the odd integer. TowardsZero Round to the nearest integer with a smaller or equal absolute value. AwayFromZero Round to the nearest integer with a greater or equal absolute value. NegativeInfinity Round to the largest integer that is smaller or equal. PositiveInfinity Round to the smallest integer that is greater or equal.