The ReflectionFunction class


The ReflectionFunction class reports information about a function.

Class synopsis

extends ReflectionFunctionAbstract
/* Constants */
public const int ReflectionFunction::IS_DEPRECATED;
/* Inherited properties */
public string $name;
/* Methods */
public ReflectionFunction::__construct(Closurestring $function)
public static string ReflectionFunction::export(string $name, string $return = ?)
public Closure ReflectionFunction::getClosure()
public mixed ReflectionFunction::invoke(mixed ...$args)
public mixed ReflectionFunction::invokeArgs(array $args)
public bool ReflectionFunction::isAnonymous()
#[\Deprecated] public bool ReflectionFunction::isDisabled()
public string ReflectionFunction::__toString()
/* Inherited methods */
private void __clone()
public array getAttributes(stringnull $name = null, int $flags = 0)
public ReflectionClassnull getClosureCalledClass()
public ReflectionClassnull getClosureScopeClass()
public objectnull getClosureThis()
public array getClosureUsedVariables()
public stringfalse getDocComment()
public intfalse getEndLine()
public ReflectionExtensionnull getExtension()
public stringfalse getExtensionName()
public stringfalse getFileName()
public string getName()
public string getNamespaceName()
public int getNumberOfParameters()
public int getNumberOfRequiredParameters()
public array getParameters()
public ReflectionTypenull getReturnType()
public string getShortName()
public intfalse getStartLine()
public array getStaticVariables()
public ReflectionTypenull getTentativeReturnType()
public bool hasReturnType()
public bool hasTentativeReturnType()
public bool inNamespace()
public bool isClosure()
public bool isDeprecated()
public bool isGenerator()
public bool isInternal()
public bool isStatic()
public bool isUserDefined()
public bool isVariadic()
public bool returnsReference()
abstract public void __toString()

Predefined Constants

ReflectionFunction Modifiers

ReflectionFunction::IS_DEPRECATED int

Indicates deprecated functions.


Version Description
8.4.0 The class constants are now typed.
8.0.0 ReflectionFunction::export was removed.
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