The PharFileInfo class


The PharFileInfo class provides a high-level interface to the contents and attributes of a single file within a phar archive.

Class synopsis

extends SplFileInfo
/* Methods */
public PharFileInfo::__construct(string $filename)
public void PharFileInfo::chmod(int $perms)
public true PharFileInfo::compress(int $compression)
public true PharFileInfo::decompress()
public true PharFileInfo::delMetadata()
public int PharFileInfo::getCRC32()
public int PharFileInfo::getCompressedSize()
public string PharFileInfo::getContent()
public mixed PharFileInfo::getMetadata(array $unserializeOptions = [])
public int PharFileInfo::getPharFlags()
public bool PharFileInfo::hasMetadata()
public bool PharFileInfo::isCRCChecked()
public bool PharFileInfo::isCompressed(intnull $compression = null)
public void PharFileInfo::setMetadata(mixed $metadata)
public PharFileInfo::__destruct()
/* Inherited methods */
public intfalse getATime()
public string getBasename(string $suffix = "")
public intfalse getCTime()
public string getExtension()
public SplFileInfo getFileInfo(stringnull $class = null)
public string getFilename()
public intfalse getGroup()
public intfalse getInode()
public stringfalse getLinkTarget()
public intfalse getMTime()
public intfalse getOwner()
public string getPath()
public SplFileInfonull getPathInfo(stringnull $class = null)
public string getPathname()
public intfalse getPerms()
public stringfalse getRealPath()
public intfalse getSize()
public stringfalse getType()
public bool isDir()
public bool isExecutable()
public bool isFile()
public bool isLink()
public bool isReadable()
public bool isWritable()
public SplFileObject openFile(string $mode = "r", bool $useIncludePath = false, resourcenull $context = null)
public void setFileClass(string $class = SplFileObject::class)
public void setInfoClass(string $class = SplFileInfo::class)
public string __toString()
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