The Map classはじめにA Map is a sequential collection of key-value pairs, almost identical to an array used in a similar context. Keys can be any type, but must be unique. Values are replaced if added to the map using the same key. Strengths
class Ds\Map
Ds\Collection, ArrayAccess {
/* 定数 */
Ds\Map::MIN_CAPACITY = 16;
/* メソッド */
public void allocate(int
$capacity )public void apply(callable
$callback )public int capacity()
public void clear()
public Ds\Map copy()
public Ds\Map diff(Ds\Map
$map )public Ds\Map filter(callable
$callback = ?)public Ds\Pair first()
public mixed get(mixed
$key , mixed $default = ?)public bool hasKey(mixed
$key )public bool hasValue(mixed
$value )public Ds\Map intersect(Ds\Map
$map )public bool isEmpty()
public Ds\Set keys()
public void ksort(callable
$comparator = ?)public Ds\Map ksorted(callable
$comparator = ?)public Ds\Pair last()
public Ds\Map map(callable
$callback )public Ds\Map merge(mixed
$values )public Ds\Sequence pairs()
public void put(mixed
$key , mixed $value )public void putAll(mixed
$pairs )public mixed reduce(callable
$callback , mixed $initial = ?)public mixed remove(mixed
$key , mixed $default = ?)public void reverse()
public Ds\Map reversed()
public Ds\Pair skip(int
$position )public Ds\Map slice(int
$index , int $length = ?)public void sort(callable
$comparator = ?)public Ds\Map sorted(callable
$comparator = ?)public intfloat sum()
public array toArray()
public Ds\Map union(Ds\Map
$map )public Ds\Sequence values()
public Ds\Map xor(Ds\Map
}$map )定義済み定数