
Construct a new UTCDateTime


final public MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime::__construct(intfloatstringDateTimeInterfacenull $milliseconds = null)


milliseconds (intfloatstringDateTimeInterfacenull)

Number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970). Negative values represent dates before 1970. This value may be provided as a 64-bit int. For compatibility on 32-bit systems, this parameter may also be provided as a float or string.

If the argument is a DateTimeInterface, the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch will be derived from that value.

If this argument is null, the current time will be used by default.

エラー / 例外

  • Throws MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException on argument parsing errors.


バージョン 説明
PECL mongodb 1.2.0

The milliseconds argument is optional and defaults to null (i.e. current time). The argument also accepts a DateTimeInterface, which may be used to derive the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch. Previously, only int, float, and string types were accepted.

例1 MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime::__construct example


(new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime);

var_dump(new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime(new DateTime));

var_dump(new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime(1416445411987));


上の例の出力は、 たとえば以下のようになります。

object(MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime)#1 (1) {
  string(13) "1484852905560"
object(MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime)#1 (1) {
  string(13) "1484852905560"
object(MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime)#1 (1) {
  string(13) "1416445411987"