Rar アーカイブ


RarArchive クラス


このクラスは RAR アーカイブをあらわします。これは複数のパーツで構成されることもあり、 中に RAR エントリ (ファイルやディレクトリ、そしてシンボリックリンクなどの特殊なオブジェクト) を含みます。

このクラスのオブジェクトの中身を走査したり、RAR アーカイブに格納されているエントリを取り出したりすることができます。 このエントリは、 RarArchive::getEntryRarArchive::getEntries を使って取得することもできます。


final class RarArchive implements Traversable {
/* メソッド */
public bool close()
public string getComment()
public arrayfalse getEntries()
public RarEntryfalse getEntry(string $entryname)
public bool isBroken()
public bool isSolid()
public static RarArchivefalse open(string $filename, string $password = NULL, callable $volume_callback = NULL)
public bool setAllowBroken(bool $allow_broken)
public string __toString()

The RarEntry class


A RAR entry, representing a directory or a compressed file inside a RAR archive.


final class RarEntry {
/* 定数 */
const int RarEntry::HOST_MSDOS = 0;
const int RarEntry::HOST_OS2 = 1;
const int RarEntry::HOST_WIN32 = 2;
const int RarEntry::HOST_UNIX = 3;
const int RarEntry::HOST_MACOS = 4;
const int RarEntry::HOST_BEOS = 5;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_READONLY = 1;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_HIDDEN = 2;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_SYSTEM = 4;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_DIRECTORY = 16;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_ARCHIVE = 32;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_DEVICE = 64;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_NORMAL = 128;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_TEMPORARY = 256;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_SPARSE_FILE = 512;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_REPARSE_POINT = 1024;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_COMPRESSED = 2048;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_OFFLINE = 4096;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_ENCRYPTED = 16384;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_WIN_VIRTUAL = 65536;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_WORLD_WRITE = 2;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_WORLD_READ = 4;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_GROUP_WRITE = 16;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_GROUP_READ = 32;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_OWNER_EXECUTE = 64;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_OWNER_WRITE = 128;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_OWNER_READ = 256;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_STICKY = 512;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SETGID = 1024;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SETUID = 2048;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET = 61440;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FIFO = 4096;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_CHAR_DEV = 8192;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_DIRECTORY = 16384;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_BLOCK_DEV = 24576;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_REGULAR_FILE = 32768;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SYM_LINK = 40960;
const int RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SOCKET = 49152;
/* メソッド */
public bool extract(
    string $dir,
    string $filepath = "",
    string $password = NULL,
    bool $extended_data = false
public int getAttr()
public string getCrc()
public string getFileTime()
public int getHostOs()
public int getMethod()
public string getName()
public int getPackedSize()
public resourcefalse getStream(string $password = ?)
public int getUnpackedSize()
public int getVersion()
public bool isDirectory()
public bool isEncrypted()
public string __toString()



If the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs equals this constant, MS-DOS was used to add this entry. Use instead of RAR_HOST_MSDOS.


If the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs equals this constant, OS/2 was used to add this entry. Intended to replace RAR_HOST_OS2.


If the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs equals this constant, Microsoft Windows was used to add this entry. Intended to replace RAR_HOST_WIN32.


If the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs equals this constant, an unspecified UNIX OS was used to add this entry. Intended to replace RAR_HOST_UNIX.


If the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs equals this constant, Mac OS was used to add this entry.


If the return value of RarEntry::getHostOs equals this constant, BeOS was used to add this entry. Intended to replace RAR_HOST_BEOS.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a read-only attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a hidden attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a system attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a directory attribute (entry is a directory). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows. See also RarEntry::isDirectory, which also works with entries that were not added in WinRAR.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with an archive attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a device attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a normal file attribute (entry is NOT a directory). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows. See also RarEntry::isDirectory, which also works with entries that were not added in WinRAR.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a temporary attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a sparse file attribute (file is an NTFS sparse file). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a reparse point attribute (entry is an NTFS reparse point, e.g. a directory junction or a mount file system). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a compressed attribute (NTFS only). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with an offline attribute (entry is offline and not accessible). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a not content indexed attribute (entry is to be indexed). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with an encrypted attribute (NTFS only). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a Windows entry with a virtual attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is Microsoft Windows.


Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is world executable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is world writable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is world readable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is group executable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is group writable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is group readable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is owner executable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is owner writable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Bit that represents a UNIX entry that is owner readable. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Bit that represents the UNIX sticky bit. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Bit that represents the UNIX setgid attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Bit that represents the UNIX setuid attribute. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX.


Mask to isolate the last four bits (nibble) of UNIX attributes (_S_IFMT, the type of file mask). To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constants RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FIFO, RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_CHAR_DEV, RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_DIRECTORY, RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_BLOCK_DEV, RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_REGULAR_FILE, RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SYM_LINK and RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_SOCKET.


Unix FIFOs will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET.


Unix character devices will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET.


Unix directories will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET. See also RarEntry::isDirectory, which also works with entries that were added in other operating systems.


Unix block devices will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET.


Unix regular files (not directories) will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET. See also RarEntry::isDirectory, which also works with entries that were added in other operating systems.

Unix symbolic links will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET.


Unix sockets will have attributes whose last four bits have this value. To be used with RarEntry::getAttr on entries whose host OS is UNIX and with the constant RarEntry::ATTRIBUTE_UNIX_FINAL_QUARTET.

RarException クラス


このクラスの役割は、RAR 拡張モジュールの関数やメソッドからスローされた例外を表す型となることと staticメソッドを使ってエラーの詳細 (例外がスローされたのか、 それとも警告が発生しただけなのかなど) を得ることのふたつです。


  • -1 - UnRAR ライブラリ以外のエラー
  • 11 - メモリの不足
  • 12 - データ不良
  • 13 - アーカイブ不良
  • 14 - 未知のフォーマット
  • 15 - ファイルオープンエラー
  • 16 - ファイル作成エラー
  • 17 - ファイルクローズエラー
  • 18 - 読み込みエラー
  • 19 - 書き込みエラー
  • 20 - バッファ不足
  • 21 - 未知の RAR エラー
  • 22 - パスワードが要求されているのに指定しなかった


final class RarException extends Exception {
/* メソッド */
public static bool isUsingExceptions()
public static void setUsingExceptions(bool $using_exceptions)
/* 継承したメソッド */
final public string Exception::getMessage()
final public Throwablenull Exception::getPrevious()
final public int Exception::getCode()
final public string Exception::getFile()
final public int Exception::getLine()
final public array Exception::getTrace()
final public string Exception::getTraceAsString()
public string Exception::__toString()
private void Exception::__clone()